Should we clean shoes in washing machine? And how?

June 20, 2018
I have once had a terrible day in my memory. Around 2 I just put on my new shoes and walked out to school, when it was raining...

 Tips on fruit and vegetable wash

June 8, 2018
We love these rainbow colored fruits and veggies, which complete our life with fresh and energy. Quite sure that fruits and vegetable are best eaten raw, because it keeps...

 How to make ice cubes

May 30, 2018
When I was a kid, I’d like to try to crunch ice cubes loudly from the ice bags bought for drink-cooling. It has no taste but leave my mouth...

Best way to do laundry

May 25, 2018
Here comes a weird argument, which has been verified by researchers of Columbia University, bad smell clothes from your mate help relieve stress. It is because people feel more...

The Best Way to Clean Kitchen Appliances

May 11, 2018
Kitchen appliances are widespread used in daily life with the process of modernization. Nevertheless, an overwhelming majority of people find themselves in trouble cleaning these appliances. Here I am...

 Can you clean kitchen cabinets with vinegar?

May 1, 2018
How often do you clean your kitchen cabinets? Have you made a clean sweep? Honestly, wiping down kitchen cabinets, kitchenware and sinks should be a daily regular. In actuality,...

Best way to clean kitchen sink

April 20, 2018
Best way to clean kitchen sink The kitchen sink is a kind of small hotbed gathering food particles, grease and some colorful liquids unwanted. It seems like a circular...

What type of red wine is good for you?

February 2, 2018
  You have, at some point in your life, probably heard the saying that one glass of red wine a night is good for the health. Luckily, this is...

Black coffee good for weight loss

January 24, 2018
Everyone knows that black coffee is refreshing, but now research has found that black coffee is not only refreshing, it’s also a great help for weight loss. Why is...

How to Remove Odor from Travel Mug

January 12, 2018
  Do you clean travel mugs just when you finish drinking coffee? If you do, then you will have no problem thanks to your good habit. But if you...