Best way to clean kitchen sink

By April 20, 2018

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Best way to clean kitchen sink

The kitchen sink is a kind of small hotbed gathering food particles, grease and some colorful liquids unwanted. It seems like a circular task that you prepare the meal, do the washing up and deal with dishes after eating. However, it is the dreary process you care less that make a difference to your health, for the wet environment sets bacteria safely. How to clean this dirty sink easily and how many steps needed to return a clean surface area just as you bought?

Be it a metallic stainless steel sink or a pure white porcelain one, you will receive a blingbling pure washing container. Here we go.

Stains removal equipment


2,Rubber gloves


Stains removal ingredients,

1,Baking soda

2,Lemon juice


4,Hydrogen peroxide or vinegar (for a porcelain sink)


1# Cleaning a stainless steel sink

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  1. The first step for cleaning both kitchen sinks is to wash and remove all the dishes and leftover inside in it.
  2. Pour hot tap water into the sink which removes the odor and gunk covered on the surface area.
  3. Give the sink a thorough cleaning. Prepare a teaspoon of baking soda, adding with lemon juice. Mix them up for about 10 minutes and then pour it into the sink all around. It is because baking soda is a natural industrial chemical that helps break down the stain and dirt from the surface without harming it.
  4. Wear your rubber gloves and scrub the faucet, handles and the drain from the top to the bottom with your sponge and toothbrush. Leave it for more than 5 minutes.
  5. Rinse the sink completely until no spots can be seen.
  6. Sprinkle nearly 4 teaspoons of flour into the sink after it dries. Buff the sink all around with dry sponge and remove them out.

2# Cleaning a porcelain sink

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For a porcelain sink, there are some extra ingredients needed compared to what used for a stainless steel one.

  1. After cleaning the dirty dishes, pouring hot water into the sink.
  2. Sprinkle hydrogen peroxide into the sink for more than 10 minutes. During this process, mix 1/4 teaspoon of salt with baking soda.
  3. Add the mixture into the sink, and then scrub the sink thoroughly and slowly (salt may harm the porcelain) from outside to inside with your sponge.
  4. Rinsing the sink and leave to air dry.

Do the cleaning

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Kitchen sink cleaning is a long-term process, thus keep your kitchen sink clean can be of great importance. There are three tips for you to keep the sink clean.

  • Clean the dishes timely. It requires you to do the cleaning quite after your meals. The longer you leave your grease-covered dishes inside the sink, the more difficult to clean when you do it and the more germs it may create.
  • Rinsing the sink with hot water. Hot water can sanitize the surface area and soften the food particles, which make you scrub the dirt with ease.
  • Remember to add some orange juice or white vinegar into the sink while washing. It leaves good smell and help with bacteria.


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