Is It Bad to Workout on An Empty Stomach

April 29, 2017
Can I workout on an empty stomach? Or to say, should I run before breakfast or after? Conflicting opinions from the fitness and medical communities concerning eating before exercise...

How to Avoid Staining Teeth When Drinking Coffee

April 26, 2017
Drinking coffee is an art and science. Improper brewing methods and unhealthier coffee habits may not only stains your cup but also cause undesirable teeth stains (wanna learn some healthy...

How Can You Sweeten Coffee without Sugar

April 23, 2017
Coffee drinkers who prefer a sweet flavor may add copious amounts of cream and sugar in coffee and see it as the part of their morning ritual. Unfortunately, the...

How Do You Know If You Are Dehydrated

April 20, 2017
Dehydration, which occurs when the body has insufficient water and other fluids to function properly, can lead to blood clots, seizures, and other potentially fatal complications. Studies have shown...

How Many Tablespoons of Coffee per Cup

April 17, 2017
A food scale and a coffee tablespoon are usual equipment for home brewers. It provides a guideline for deep and balanced brews as well as precise measurements for a...

Why Should You Drink A Glass of Water Before Bed

April 14, 2017
Water makes up 60% of our body weight and helps lose weight, improves our skin and makes ourselves full of energy. Through one super simple thing – keeping drinking...

What Kind of Coffee for French Press

April 11, 2017
French Press gains popularity among coffee drinkers by its simplicity and a beautiful shape. It consists of a cylindrical carafe and a mesh filter, so that you still can...

Is It Good to Reheat Coffee in the Microwave

April 8, 2017
Using the microwave for reheating your coffee is the most common method. Simply pour perfectly good left over coffee in a microwave for 30 seconds and stir, especially when...

What to Eat with An Upset Stomach

April 5, 2017
Having an upset stomach is suffering, for you have a feeling of nausea and it may eventually lead to vomiting or diarrhea. Then, what to eat with an upset...

How Many Tea Bags for A Gallon of Tea

April 2, 2017
How many tea bags for a gallon of tea? The general rule of thumb is one tea bag per cup. Is that the golden rule? Of course, the answer is...
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