Is walking a good enough exercise

By March 18, 2022

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During the pandemic, lots of people have the experience of strolling around the neighborhood just to get some fresh air and sunshine. What about the health benefit of walking? Is walking a good enough exercise?

Yes, walking is a good enough exercise

Though not intense enough, walking is a great exercise to help burn calories, lower health risks and meet your fitness goals. With only 30 minutes of walking per day, you’ll also get a much better mood.

As a low-to-moderate cardio exercise, walking is friendly to nearly everyone, from the young to the elder, and even including those with arthritis problems. What’s more, it requires no special gear so you can do it almost anywhere.

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How to walk for your fitness and health goals

  • Walk steadily: If walking is the main source of your exercise, make your own walking plan and then stick to it. The recommended frequency is 30 minutes per day, 4-5 times per week. With basic walking, you’ll have fewer health conditions.
  • Walk longer: Some people like to set a step goal like 20 or 30 minutes per day, and as they get used to their walking routine, they may want to challenge themselves by increasing the duration.
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  • Walk fast: Another way to strengthen your daily walking is to pick up the pace. Compared with a regular pace, a brisk pace puts you into the moderate-intensity exercise zone. It can help you burn more body fat and improve your cardiovascular health. According to the experts, 3,000 to 3,500 steps with a brisk pace is the ideal range.
  • Be creative: It may get boring if you stroll around the same neighborhood or down the same trail all the time. Change the routine just for fun. For example, you can walk for one minute at a regular pace, and then at a brisk pace. Or, walk with ankle weights or on an incline, which will make your leg and arm muscles to work harder to perform the tasks.

Mature couple walking down dirt road

  • Walk with others: Walking is not an individual exercise, it can also be a social activity. Walking with your dog, your friends or your families are all good ways to get in touch with people you care about. You can even join a walking club to achieve fitness goals one by one!



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