How to Clean a Decanter Easily

June 1, 2018
A decanter is a vessel serving as the container of various liquids such as wine (especially the red wine). Decanters, made from glass or crystal, have diversified types and...

 How to make ice cubes

May 30, 2018
When I was a kid, I’d like to try to crunch ice cubes loudly from the ice bags bought for drink-cooling. It has no taste but leave my mouth...

Best way to do laundry

May 25, 2018
Here comes a weird argument, which has been verified by researchers of Columbia University, bad smell clothes from your mate help relieve stress. It is because people feel more...

Best Mother’s Day Gift Ideas 2018

May 23, 2018
Mother’s Day is the annual holiday celebrated on the second Sunday of May. Traditionally, people will give their mothers gifts to show the deep appreciation and love. You will...

 Is it bad to serve red wine in a white wine glass?

May 18, 2018
White wine glasses are designed originally to make the best of white wine, so does red wine glasses for red wine. But you can still find some restaurants serve...

 The Difference between Cooking with Red Wine and White Wine

May 16, 2018
Cooking with wine is an extensive and profound art. Those skilled cookers tend to add wine into the sauce so that the taste and texture of meat can be...

The Best Way to Clean Kitchen Appliances

May 11, 2018
Kitchen appliances are widespread used in daily life with the process of modernization. Nevertheless, an overwhelming majority of people find themselves in trouble cleaning these appliances. Here I am...

Why is red wine glass bigger?

May 9, 2018
Red wine glasses are ballooning through centuries. Researchers in European countries have traced the growth of red wine glasses from the 1700s to the 2000s and it turns out...

 How to hold red a wine glass

May 4, 2018
The style of holding a red wine glass isn’t confined to one fixed pattern. You can do it at your ease. However, there is actually social etiquette to be...

 Can you clean kitchen cabinets with vinegar?

May 1, 2018
How often do you clean your kitchen cabinets? Have you made a clean sweep? Honestly, wiping down kitchen cabinets, kitchenware and sinks should be a daily regular. In actuality,...
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